
Working with multiple documents, particularly if they are all different formats, can be a headache. With PDF Architect's Insert feature, you can merge all the files you are working with into one PDF document making it easier to manage and share. Organize and categorize your PDFs by inserting and customizing page elements as well as other such details into your document.

Insert pages

Insert images from many popular formats to bring life to your text. You can also crop and rotate the picture to control the focus within the image. You can also insert blank pages as well as pages from other PDF or images files.


By inserting hyperlinks, you can refer to other pages within the document. But you can also link to a website or a local file. Using JavaScript allows you to run custom actions when the link is clicked.

Page numbers

After inserting or rearranging pages, you might want to update the page numbers. With our page number tools, you can remove page numbering from all pages or only from selected pages and reapply consistent page numbering.


PDF Architect Standard contiene tutte le caratteristiche del pacchetto FREE più:



PDF Architect Pro contiene tutte le caratteristiche del pacchetto Standard più:

Sicurezza con Secure

Pro + OCR

PDF Architect Pro + OCR contiene tutte le caratteristiche del pacchetto Pro più:

OCR avanzato


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