PDFCreator 1.2.0 released

Today we are happy to announce PDFCreator 1.2.0. This version fixes a bug with printing from processes with lower priority like Google Chrome or Adobe Reader X. ...

PDFCreator 1.1.0 supports 24 languages now

We are happy to announce that PDFCreator 1.1.0 supports 24 languages now.

PDFCreator 1.1.0 released

We are happy to announce PDFCreator 1.1.0 today. According to our new versioning scheme, it is the first release after PDFCreator 1.0.0 which adds new features. Among ...

PDFCreator 1.0.2 released

Today we have released PDFCreator 1.0.2. This version returns to the older Ghostscript 8.70 as the new version had problem with making text searcheable. We have also ...

New pdfforge Tool

For some time we are thinking about an additional tool that helps to merge, split and in some basic ways edit PDF files without sending them through a printer. Now ...

PDFCreator 1.0.1 released

We have uploaded PDFCreator 1.0.1 a few minutes ago. This happen according to our new versioning scheme. So this is a quick release fixing a few minor bugs (saving ...