PDFCreator 1.3.1 released
Categories:Release NotesJust five days after PDFCreator 1.3.0 we are now releasing PDFCreator 1.3.1 to fix two severe bugs and some minor things. As many of you will have noticed, PDFArchitect did not load PDF files properly with the english translation. This is fixed now. The new pdfcmon.dll did crash on Terminal Servers, which is now fixed as well.
We have also fixed smaller things like the PDFCreator windows that stayed open after printing and the problems with special characters in the filename, which leaves brackets in the title. We have also added some languages and added a comman line parameter /Expert to the setup, which allows to set installation path and such again but leaves the average user in peace with this stuff.
Finally, we hope that there will be no need for a 1.3.2 in the next days.